ABOUT MEME (v 1.5) |
What is Meme? |
First the definition: A 'meme' is an idea that passes from person to person, slowly changing as it does so; an 'evolving' idea per se. The book, Meme, is aptly titled since it itself represents a huge compilation of many memes (ideas) that are theoretical at best, and quite challenging at the least. Meme, written by Sean Sinjin (the primary author of this website), is a book that most fundamentally attempts to prove there is no such thing as a god, or gods, or any other form of conscious ethereal entity.
In order to accomplish this, many tough questions had to be addressed, such as: How did life first start? How did we evolve? What is the purpose of life? What is death? What is the true nature of the universe?, etc. Meme tackles these questions and presents solid answers that are founded in science and logic, and yet with the aid of simple, non-mathematical diagrams, these concepts can easily be understood by the motivated and interested layperson.
Here is a short description of each of the chapters to be found in Meme:
Foreword |
There's no such thing as a fact.
Read the excerpt: FOREWORD
Chapter 1 - Diminutive |
Have you ever wondered about the force of gravity? Magnetism? They would seem such simple forces and yet modern physics still struggles to provide compelling explanations for their existence. Find convincing explanations here in this chapter, with many simple diagrams to assist in comprehension. Also in this chapter, learn about the Big Bang creation of the universe, what energy is, how particles are formed, and many other primitive science tidbits that combine to form our reality; all in layperson terminology.
Read the excerpts:
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Chapter 2 - Ubiquity |
Ready to stretch your mind? This is the most challenging chapter of Meme, but not essential to its purpose. Here you will learn that the flow of time is not absolute, and you will learn the ramifications of that fact in terms of the speed of light, mass, and simultaneous events. Some of the information in this chapter is nearly impossible to believe, and yet it is all true. Reality is stranger than any fiction.
Chapter 3 - Manifestation |
Everyone wants to know where we came from, and now we have the answers. Learn how a simple molecule, the nucleotide, with its very simple property of bonding to other nucleotides, can manifest into simple constructs that exhibit limited functions, only to evolve over billions of years into cells, and multi-cellular lifeforms such as ourselves. You won't get lost during this chapter, with plenty of diagrams to explain each and every step that nature took to take us from atoms to animals.
Chapter 4 - Succession |
Your brain is the most phenomenal accomplishment of nature. Learn how the simple neuron cell can, in the billions, create your senses, memory, and perspective of reality. Challenge yourself to accept your instincts as the root of all your needs and wants. Understand how sexuality is programmed in your mind. Find new affiliation with your cousins: the chimpanzee, the dolphin, etc. And, dreaming will never mean the same thing to you again.
Chapter 5 - Acumen |
Why do people do the things they do? In this chapter you will learn how simple our minds really are, and how easily we can be manipulated and programmed to behave in ways that benefit others more than ourselves. Learn how early humankind created the concept of gods and other ethereal entities in order to provide structure and meaning to their universe. See how eons of religious dictation has maniacally controlled us through our feeble egos. Understand religion as a virus of our minds, and how this virus propagates through the vessels of false morality and fear-based philosophy.
Read the excerpt: MYTHOLOGY
Chapter 6 - Elucidation |
Learn about the biological aspect of our personalities, how and why it evolved to help us in nature, and why our intelligence keeps increasing with every generation that passes. Understand where our motivations come from and the full impact of our instincts in our daily lives. Learn what makes us laugh, why we must die, and exactly how much control of yourself you really do have. Homosexuality is explained, as are addictions to everything from sex, to illicit chemicals, to religions.
Chapter 7 - Emancipation |
Back to science. Why? Because the future can only be described as a process of energy flow. We predict how gravity and magnetism are going to continue exerting their forces, determining how the universe will evolve, and eventually end. See things from a truly fundamental perspective with the notions of 'chaos' and 'order' battling it out for supremacy. Understand how intelligence is going to shape the energy flow of the universe. Learn how humanity will create a new form of logic-based life, and its destiny to rule all.
Read the excerpt: FATE
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Chapter 8 - Subjugation |
Everything you have learned in the previous chapters comes to a focal point in this chapter, a full out assault against religion. Watch as science, logic, psychology, and nature, all confront the blasphemy of perspective that religion represents, until all readers are left with at the very least, a considerable dent in whatever 'faith' they may have had previously. You will see through the tyranny, the ignorance, the oppression, the denial, the manipulation, and false promises of religion. You will see the damage, the waste, the prejudice, and the nonsense behind it all. After reading this chapter, no ethereal-entity based religion will be spared its recategorization into simple mythology.
Read the excerpt: ATHEISM
Chapter 9 - Demeanor |
So there you are, newly godless. You don't know which way to turn because so much of your life was previously defined by religion. What defines purpose now? What is moral? Was religion really that bad? Like any other culture or philosophy that has stood the test of time, there must be some sense of purpose and social morality in order for people to coexist. Religion is not entirely a waste because it does attempt to provide this social structure. The goal of Meme was to remove all forms of ethereal entities from our perspective, and any nonsensical moral barriers not founded in logic. Chapter 9 does just that. A careful extraction of logical morality from our obsolete religions reveals a sizeable list of postulates that are equally meaningful and useful in a reality perspective. However, many more postulates have been introduced that work well in a logic-based perspective. These newer postulates never found a place in religion because they are anti-tyrannizing by nature, which is very counter-productive to the tyranny of religion and as such have always been oppressed. Find great meaning and purpose in this chapter. Learn how to be truly happy, the happiest you are capable of.
Read the excerpt:
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Read the glossary excerpt: Glossary
Where can you get Meme? |
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