Based upon the principles found in the book, Meme, by Sean Sinjin, we represent a reality-based philosophy that wishes to educate the world away from the need for a mythological belief system. It is much more than atheism that we promote, we believe in the possibility of a tremendous quality of life for everyone, free from the tyranny and intellectual oppression of religions. Our principles are founded in science, logic, self-development, and empathy, such that when combined, enables people with the best opportunity to find meaning and happiness in their lives.
Can we really prove there is no God?
Yes we can, but not 'directly' as you might expect, nor can we accomplish this in but a single paragraph. It is quite unproductive to challenge emotion-based 'faith' with a logic-premised debate due to the differences between the tools of a faith perspective, and a logical, unbiased, scientific one. Our approach to proving there are no gods entails a great deal of education that is typically precluded from a religious upbringing (e.g., evolutionary theory, incredulity skills, understanding the scientific method, etc.), and also closely examines the merits of the emotions, assumptions, and motivations responsible for the need to 'believe' in ethereal beings.
Disproving eons of mythological perceptions is a much more complicated task than it may seem, and as you'll see from the many submissions in our weblog, it's a colossal undertaking for anyone to even begin questioning their faith. This entire website and weblog, combined with the knowledge contained in our core book, Meme, together is the complete proof that there are no gods in this universe. Absorbing 'all' of this material is paramount to understanding the full extent of our answer to proving there is no God.
Many people incorrectly believe that being atheist means to be immoral, selfish, or evil; and that cannot be further from the truth. Despite the unfortunate negative associations that have been made to atheism, 'pure' atheism only means that one does not believe in any conscious ethereal entities (god, spirits, etc.), or alternate planes of existence (afterlife, reincarnation, etc.). Atheists perceive religions and faiths as nothing more than ancient mythology, no different than Greek (Zeus) mythology, Egyptian (Ra), tribal (Juju), or any other conceivable type of 'belief'.
Atheists can be any type of person imaginable because atheism alone does not define a personality. They can be counselors, presidents, thieves, engineers, heroes, murderers, etc. To define atheism as immoral, selfish, or evil, is as nonsensical as saying that all people wearing a blue shirt are immoral, selfish, or evil; there is no association between a person's disposition, and atheism.
There are many variations and degrees to atheism, and though many of them overlap each other in principle, they are not always wholly compatible factions. The following is a list of the common categories of atheism and a brief summary of how they each approach atheism:
Atheism (pure) |
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Complete rejection of the possibility for the existence of conscious ethereal beings or concepts (gods, spirits or spirituality, afterlife, reincarnation, etc.) |
Agnosticism |
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A lack of choosing between being an atheist or a believer. Agnosticism is in itself not a perspective, it is merely the absence of a firm commitment to either atheism or a faith because it's assumed that the existence of a god cannot be proven or disproved |
Freethinker |
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One who thinks independently of authority or dogma, instead choosing logic and rationality to pursue knowledge |
Humanism |
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Subclass of atheism that focuses on human needs and improvement |
Materialism |
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Purports all that exists must be physically tangible material, or the effects upon said material |
Objectivism |
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Similar to Materialism. All reality is objective and external to our minds, and our knowledge of reality can be deemed reliable based upon observations |
Scientific |
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The strict preclusion of human emotional bias in measuring/assessing (the value of) information. Defines methods for evaluating the credibility of information |
Rationalism |
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Logic is the primary source of knowledge |
Libertarianism |
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Advocating free will while minimizing state intervention |
It is quite human nature to make sweeping conclusions about the nature of things not well understood based upon very little information; and for many people, their first impression of is no exception. For example, the term 'BetterHuman' is only meant to imply self-improvement, and not to be 'better than others'. Also, we are not attempting to oppress religious 'people', we are only opposed to 'religions'; in fact, our prime motivation is to liberate our mythologically-ensnared brothers and sisters from the life-wasting trap of ethereal addiction. And finally, we are often prejudicially compared to or pigeon-holed into many inappropriate categories such as anarchist, fascist, communist, and yes, even Satanic, etc., all of which are completely incorrect and unfounded conclusions of what we represent.
Please, before you judge us, learn about us.
The simplest way to describe our philosophies is to understand our most fundamental motivation, and that is to provide the greatest liberty of choice possible for 'everyone' in their individual pursuits of happiness, without the fear of unjust social or political oppression, with the simple caveat that nobody is hurt by their expression of freedom, including themselves. As we'll see in our tenets, this is a deceptively complex goal, and often confronts us with sacrifices we might not immediately see as complementing this objective, but these sacrifices are always in the interest of the greater good, the very definition of nobility.
Are we a cult?..A religion?
Hardly.'s mission is to 'oppose' mythology-based cults globally. The contemporary understanding of the term 'cult' (all religions are cults) would be a society of people that subscribe to a fantasy perception of the universe that contains some form of ethereal qualities, be that an ethereal creature (a god), or the notion of immortality, alternate planes of existence, etc., just to name a few. 'Faith' (the considering of fantasy as immutable fact) is a crucial element in virtually any description of a cult's values. distinguishes itself from any possibility of being confused for a cult in a number of ways:
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We do not worship anything, except perhaps the pursuit of happiness. |
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We vehemently oppose any notion of the existence of ethereal qualities in our universe (gods, spirits, magic, psychic powers, immortality, afterlife, etc.). |
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We do not have any mechanism for membership whatsoever, nor will we ever. |
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We do not accept monetary donations |
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Our perceptions are entirely founded upon logic and science, with a healthy recognition that there is no such thing as an absolute 'fact', and with the ability to adapt to new information that may counter previously accepted ideas. |
Quite simply, we are nothing more than a science-based philosophy.
You may ask yourself that if we are not a collective, then what do we mean by 'we'? Our usage of the word 'we' extends only so far as to describe the human race, specifically those of us that see beyond the lies and tyranny of all religions globally. is not a society of any sort; we are simply a philosophy to pursue. To be a part of means you only have to find value in the tenets.
What can do for you?
| attempts to completely, logically, and scientifically explain the universe around us, and to help you define your individual purpose in it. Though is currently in its infancy, we hope to educate people away from ethereal addiction and at the same time provide a fresh, inspiring, and meaningful lifestyle that can lead to the greatest sense of happiness and contentment possible. We have many tenets, but they are all interrelated and logically founded in order to intelligently placate our instinctual needs, always in the context of social harmony.
In a nutshell, we teach you to maximize the quality of your life without negatively affecting others, teach you a logical, mythology-free perspective of the universe, describe where we really came from, define the noble purpose of life, free you from nonsensical guilt mechanisms, teach you inner and outer-strength techniques, and give you the ultimate tool for self-fulfillment. We are not here to make money; we are here solely to educate about reality, and to ask for your contributions of time and energy to pass that education on to those around you.
Please check out the rest of our site to better understand our purpose.